What is Transition & Transfer?
Transition is the process of preparing, planning, and moving your medical care from children’s services to adult services.
Transition usually starts when you are 12-13 years old and finishes when your care is transferred to Adult Services usually between the age of 16-18 years old.
If you need to be admitted to hospital you will be admitted to an adult ward once you have completed transfer and had your first adult appointment.
Parents can still attend your adult appointments with you, but you have the right to see the doctor on your own if you are 16 years and older. Anything you discuss with your doctor or nurse will be treated confidentially and will not be discussed with anyone else without your permission.
If you move away, it is important to let your medical team know. Regular check-ups are essential to make sure you stay healthy and if you move away, the team may need to refer you to a cardiologist near your new home, who can monitor you, there are several ACHD specialist centres nationally. If you go to university, it is wise to keep your care in your specialist centre until you know where you are likely to live after university.
How do we help?
Transition and Transfer is sometimes unsettling for both the young person and the parent but talking to our CHD Health Youth Workers can help relieve some anxiety. They can show both you and your parents around the adult hospital, talk about what to expect to hear during your transition clinic appointment, e.g., life style choices, exercise etc and answer any questions you may have.
Our CHD Health Youth Worker team aim to attend transition clinics to meet you and your family members who join you in clinic. You can always contact us.
They will sit in with you and your consultant and then join you with the Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Sometimes this isn’t possible so you may see us in another room.
While we can’t give medical advice, we can be there to help check understanding, help you with thinking about questions for the medical team and be an extra pair of ears in the clinic setting.
Our CHD Health Youth Worker Team, Xander and Imogen

South Wales and South West Congenital Heart Disease Network – Transition
British Heart Foundation – 5 ways to manage your heart condition as you grow up
University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust – Cardiology Transition
Explore Youth at Heart
Youth at Heart are a charity committed to young people aged 13-24, and their families, who are living with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in South West England and South Wales.
We empower, inform and support them to live their best life.
For young people
We are committed to supporting you as you start your Transition Journey aged 13 and leading up to your Transfer from Paediatrics to Adult Services and beyond, until your 25th birthday.
For the whole family
Youth at Heart recognise that congenital heart disease affects the whole family, which is why our Youth Workers are there for families too.
For professionals
Youth at Heart is a charity independent from the NHS that works in partnership with health professionals across the South Wales & South West Congenital Heart Disease Network.
Get involved
Youth at Heart rely on funds being raised through donations, grants, events and activities and for people to get involved to help us carry on our important work.